Community transport is a passenger transport scheme owned and operated by local community groups. They are often set up by people living in areas with very limited public transport or where public transport does not mee the needs of the community.
Community transport is not just about moving people from point A to point B. It is about fostering a sense of belonging, bridging divides, and empowering individuals to access education, employment, healthcare, and social opportunities that are the bedrock of a thriving community.
Community transport provides flexible and accessible community-led solutions in response to unmet local transport needs and often represents the only means of transport for many vulnerable and isolated people, often older people or people with disabilities.
“New friends are often made by using the services we provide either as a passenger or a volunteer driver.” Glenkens Transport Initiative.
Services can include excursions, evening bus services, day centre and weekly lunch club transport, travelling to specific activities such as tai chi, transporting young people to away sport fixtures…
As community transport is always run for a social purpose and never for a profit, it is often the most reliable, resilient and accessible way of ensuring the broadest range of transport needs can be met.

Community transport is often the only way of transport for some.
Community transport operators can be run by both paid staff and volunteers.
Community transport operators can use everything from mopeds to minibuses and typical services in Dumfries & Galloway include wheelchair accessible minibuses, community buses running to a timetable and volunteer car schemes.
“Annandale Community Transport Service has been a life saver for me and my mam. I honestly would be lost without them”